The kids had a good time exploring the different forms of shelter that Pioneers and Native Americans lived in, from huts to tents to cabins. It was too crowded to get pictures of all of them but here's one they liked (but wouldn't want to live in long term):

I know it's November, but we're in Texas so it was hot. Seriously, I don't know how they wore all those clothes without melting!
After the battle was won we went to see what else we could find there. B got her face painted and made a bonnet so she looked like some sort of Pioneer/Indian hybrid...
This is her right before she broke into an impromptu jig on the stage. Hopefully, I can figure out how to post the video, it was great!
They had some period musicians that were fun to hear. No more dancing though...
We missed a few things like making corn husk dolls, candle making, and the covered wagon but we had such a good time. There was tons of stuff to do!
After all the fun, the 'Hayride to the Parking Lot' sign was truly a sight for sore eyes. If you know me, you know that I am perpetually in flip flops which is probably not the best idea for traipsing through the woods but that's just how I roll, so there it is.

Hi Laura...loved the pics. Thanks for sharing this wonderful day with us. I wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Leibster Award. If you choose to accept it follow the link for the details:
God bless!